Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm busy living my life don't have time to Blog!

It's very hard to juggle writing in the blog and living life...I have to do interesting and fun things so that I can write in the Blog, but I don't have time to write because I'm doing interesting and fun things...

For example, I just got back to my hotel room after eating fresh fish and drinking excellent wine, while watching the sun set on the Mediterranean Sea...

Last night my colleague Aleco and I were interviewed by 2 different radio stations. We were asked about the project we were working on...I'm now signing autographs in Cyprus....the line will form to the left when I get back to Michigan...

I also helped a new Cypriot friend plant 2 lemon trees on his property this afternoon...

It's tough work but somebody has to do it!


Robin said...

Hey Gayle,
How cool, now that's what I'm talking about!!!! the pictures you take... I love it. There will be a line forming alright!! Have a great last couple days, see you when you get back. Take care - we miss you!!


Sue said...

Gayle - what a fun way to share in your fun. Love the photos and the stories - can't wait to hear the one's you're not willing to post for the world to hear :o)

My love to Aleco.


Les said...

Planting trees... that's the Gayle I know. Don't worry about keeping us up to date. Dorr, MI is just hopping and I hardley had time to see what you were up to. RIGHT! Hope you arrive safely in this nasty weather!
See you soon.